Nuestra nueva direcion es la siguiente

IDEA- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act


1997- Reauthorization of the IDEA -impact on deaf and hard of hearing student

Impact of IDEA Reauthorization on North Carolina-ECAC



En Español:

Esta es la informacion que se necesita de el sordo  que desee someter una queja de discrimen hacia su parte.

  • Fecha del suceso:
  • Num. Seg. Soc.
  • Direccion de la persona afectada:
  • Num. Telefono
  • Dias y horas en las cuales se les puede contactar por tel.
  • Edad de la persona discriminada
  • Nombre de la institucion que discrimino
  • Direccion de la institucion que discrimino
  • Telefono de dicha institucion
  • La base del discrimen: (en caso de sordos usualmente es disability) otros son
  • Raza/color, origen nacional, sexo, edad.
  • El estatus de la persona en relacion a la institucion que le discrimino: (ej. Estudiante , estudiante-aplicando, padre de estudiante, empleado, empleado-apicando, otros…


English Version:

This is the information needed from a deaf person who wishes to file a complaint because of being discriminated.

  • Name of person discriminated against
  • Adress of person discriminated against
  • Telephone Number of person discriminated against
  • Best hours/days to contact by telephone
  • Age of person discriminated against
  • Name of institution that discriminated
  • Adress of the institution
  • Telephone number of the institution
  • Basis of discrimination (in the case of deaf people it usually is disability)
  • Others are race/color, national origin, sex, age.
  • The status of the person discriminated against in relation to the institution being filed against: example: student, student-applicant, parent of student, employee, employee-applicant, other…




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Last modified: September 16, 2000